Evangelism, Spreading the gospel and visiting the widows and orphans

Visit orphans and widows

Ophenages in Nigeria

You can make an action with your faith by visiting orphenages.

Children  need our help and our contribution for their daily life.

School, food, supplies, and more than that ,  a visitation that bring love and joy in their heart.

You can always bless a child by visiting him and being a sponsor in his lifetime.

Bringing the love of Jesus-Christ throught a true action that is coming from your heart, is one of the command of our Lord.

Orphenage in Burkina Faso

You can be a partner of the orphenage in Bobodioulasso .

Babies from 0 to 3 years old are living there. 

Your participation can be for them a fresh wind from heaven.

If you are willing to visit them , or to make a journey by helping in the daily activities, you can make a request.

We will be willing to connect you to the ministry.



Groups of widows

We also have groups of widows in Burkina Faso who has differents activites for living.

Confection of soaps, sewing, cooking , you can also be a partaker of their life by visiting their workshop, talking with them, sharing their life and having a beautiful exchange of experience and past and present testimonies.

You can also participate to their prayers group meeting.

Amazing things can happen when people gathers in the Name of the Lord.


We  have a christian school from primary school to secondary.

You can bring your knowledge in different skills and trainings.

You can also preach the gospel or organizing sports meetings , or events for the youths that will be an opportunity to be a campain for evangelism.

You can send books, bibles, or any needs that can be fulfill, in the purpose to help them.

If you need more information concerning the orphenages visits, you can fill the form below , we will be willing to give you more details and we can put you in contact with the leaders that are in charge of the orphenages.