Published on 5 January 2025 at 12:02

Revelation 12:11 " And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.". Here you will find the testimonies of miracles, healings, breakthrough that shows that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever

True stories, that will encourage you to trust God in every situations.













Teresia's story

She stood weeping at the far edge of the crowd, beyond my field of vision. 200,000 gathered in Uhuru Park that day. I preached, and we saw thousands come to the Lord. But Teresia Wairimu was not a sinner, and she did not come forward. I never knew she was there.

The multiplier effect of the Gospel

She had soaked her pillow for countless days before I came to Nairobi in 1988. In recent months, her dream of serving God through serving her family had been shattered. The grief of this loss tore at her soul like a raging windstorm.

From childhood, Teresia had longed to serve the Lord. When she finally came of age she met a charming European missionary. With this man, everything fell into place in her mind. She could see nothing but happy days ahead. Her parents had red flags about it. But in the thrall of love, and in her intense desire to serve the Lord, she became willing to go against her parents’ wishes to marry him.

It was a decision that haunted her a dozen years later when her missionary husband turned against her. No amount of appealing to his Christian faith made any difference. He took cruel advantage of a male-dominated court system to divorce her and leave her and their daughter with no support.

Cruelly discarded, with no place to go

As she stood weeping in Uhuru Park that hot and steamy day, she could sense the great gulf between the two of us. It was more than physical. I preached with a confidence she did not feel. She had been cruelly discarded by the one man she had most wanted to please. She blamed herself for choosing so badly in her desire for a ministry mate. She further blamed herself for not being able to make the marriage work in spite of her husband’s problems. She had not been good enough, not enough like Jesus to change his heart. Round and round her thoughts spun, beating her down, down, down.

She had no place to go. Her family would now reject her. She couldn’t bring herself to even tell them of the divorce. The church was no better. Divorce was a terrible shame among Kenyan Christians; the kiss of death to anyone with a desire for ministry.

The only refuge Teresia found was in God.The only refuge Teresia found was in God. Though she felt rejected, Teresia somehow knew in the core of her soul that God had not rejected her. She was cast aside by a bad husband, not abandoned by a good God.

As she later described it, she heard my voice preaching the Word of God with positive power and authority. The very sound of this kind of preaching caused hope to leap up in her heart. She had not heard the gospel preached that way.

“God, give me 100 souls and I’ll be a happy woman!”

The Reinhard Bonnke that she saw that day preached the uncompromised gospel. Even in the presence of the president on stage, she had heard Bonnke let the chips fall where they may. He shouted the Good News into his microphone with gusto. The way he spoke and the way he moved on stage told everyone that here was a man who believed his message and would stake his life on it. He acted like he really knew the God he preached about.

If Reinhard Bonnke can be that way, Teresia thought, then I can too.If Reinhard Bonnke can be that way, Teresia thought, then I can too. And tears of longing spilled from her eyes.

When I called for the sick to come forward, Teresia watched as I laid hands on them. Blind eyes opened, lame people began to walk. It was like another page being written in the book of Acts.

Teresia saw that I possessed a living “fire” that was beyond the cold religious embers of her own experience. This was the gift she sought with tears that day. She would settle for nothing less. She cried out, God, oh please God, if you can give Bonnke 100,000 souls, give me 100, just 100, Lord, and I’ll be a happy woman!

Once Teresia said this, she knew something else, deep down in her heart. She knew that to receive her answer from God, Reinhard Bonnke would have to lay his hands on her head and pray for her.

Faith to touch the hem of His garment

She had faith like the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak and was healed. It was not Jesus’ idea that the woman touch him. It was the woman’s idea. In fact, Jesus was on His way to heal someone else when she chased Him down and touched the hem of His cloak. When she did, she was healed.

Somehow, she knew that I must lay my hands on her and pray for her, and then she could step into her full blessing from God. This is not a formula for getting anything from God – I’m not special. It was simply Teresia’s faith that gave this idea of my laying hands on her its peculiar power.

Teresia left Uhuru Park that day without a chance for prayer. The crowds were pressing around the platform with many needs, and God was directing me to the ones He was healing. I never knew she was there.

Six years would pass before our paths would cross again. Teresia had spent those years making a new life for herself in Nairobi. She built new relationships with a small group of Christian women. They now looked to her for spiritual guidance. But her ministry lacked the power she had seen in Uhuru Park. She knew she had not arrived at God’s highest calling for her.

During those years, Teresia had begun to track my speaking schedule through our CfaN ministry magazine. She was always on the lookout for a city where I would be preaching to a smaller crowd. A place where she might have a chance of having me lay hands on her in prayer. She believed that the day that happened she would receive the anointing and the fire to preach with authority.

“God spoke to me that He will give it to you…”

Her wish came true in Oslo, Norway, in the spring of 1994. She was excited to learn that I would be speaking there in a local church because she had friends who lived in Oslo. Immediately she called them and arranged to stay. They agreed to bring her to the meeting with them. All her friends in Nairobi prayed with her as she left, believing that she would return with the fire of God’s Spirit that she longed for.

Teresia was the first one through the doors of the church in Oslo when they opened them. Her friends escorted her to the very front row. She waited there as the room continued to fill up. A local woman approached her.

“There is something that you need from God,” the woman said, “and God spoke to me that He will give it to you.”“There is something that you need from God,” the woman said, “and God spoke to me that He will give it to you.”

This was wonderful confirmation. Teresia thanked her and replied, “That is good, but I am still waiting.”

When I came to the platform, I knew immediately that Teresia was there. It is hard to miss an African lady in a Norwegian church. She stood out like an island of color in a sea of gray, dressed in her traditional African robes.

Teresia had come with one thing in mind; when I gave the altar call for the sick, she would run forward for prayer. In her mind, she was sick. She felt sick with frustration and ineffectiveness in her ministry.

Miracles are happening here

When I finally announced that I would pray for the sick, she raced to the front and stood before me, trembling with anticipation. She knew she was within moments of receiving the answer to the prayer she had prayed in Uhuru Park six years before. She would receive the anointing to minister in power and authority, just the way Reinhard Bonnke ministered.

I will never forget what happened next. The fire of God had nothing to do with the touch of my hands, but I did place them on her head. Only for an instant, because she was ripped from beneath my hands by a mighty force that threw her 20 yards through the air and landed her on her back near the front row of seats. Both of her shoes flew from her feet, high into the air.

I did not have a clue about what had happened to Teresia. I simply moved on to pray for others. Much later, she recalls rousing from an unconscious state and hearing my voice saying, “Miracles are happening here, miracles are happening.” That’s all she remembers.

The Oslo meeting closed. I left to return to Germany.

She knew she would never be the same

Teresia could not get up from the floor of that church. As she regained consciousness, her legs were so wobbly her friends had to carry her from the church to the car. They drove her home, then carried her from the car into the house and deposited her on the bed in the guest bedroom. She knew in her heart she would never be the same.

The story might end here. It has ended here for many, who receive a great visitation of God’s Spirit, and then do nothing to walk it out in their life. But God had anointed Teresia for a specific calling. She had not received her blessing to waste it on herself. She had come for the power to minister, and minister she would. Teresia Wairimu was on fire.

Upon arrival back in Nairobi she called her girlfriends to a Friday prayer meeting at her house. They came. 17 of them. She preached with a power she had never known before. She did not ask God to please heal someone if it was in His great divine will to do so. She commanded the sick to be healed in Jesus’ name, and healings began to manifest.

The next Friday there were 55 women at her house. The next Friday, 105, and the next, 200 women showed up. She and her circle of women-friends began to look for a school building in which to meet. They found a city auditorium that held 2,000, but 4,000 women showed up. They had to open all the doors and windows to try to accommodate the overflow. She moved to the Jomo Kenyatta Convention Center, which held 5,000. 12,000 came.

They heard the gospel of Jesus Christ

At this point some pastors in the city began to denounce her and tell their people not to attend her meetings because she was a divorced woman. The people ignored them. Some came out of curiosity, others out of need. When they arrived at a Teresia Wairimu meeting, they heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. They saw cancers healed, AIDS healed, blind eyes opened, the lame walking, and deaf ears unstopped.

Finally, Teresia went to the city council and asked to have the use of Uhuru Park, where Bonnke had preached in 1988. They made a contract with her, giving her use of the park for the first Sunday of every month. Her crowds swelled, and now included men as well as women.

The weeping woman in Uhuru Park in 1988 had desperately prayed, “God, oh please God, if you can give Bonnke 100,000 souls, give me 100, just 100, Lord, and I’ll be a happy woman.” Teresia Wairimu is today a very happy woman. Her name is a household word in Kenya. Hundreds of thousands have come to Jesus in her meetings, and the ministers who once preached against her have apologized, begging her forgiveness.

When I heard of her breakthrough and success, I went to the Lord in prayer. “Why Lord,” I asked, “did you choose a divorced woman for this great ministry? Why did You choose Teresia?Why did You choose Teresia?

His answer affected me deeply. I chose Teresia because I wanted to show the world that I could take a broken vessel and make a vessel of honor.

We are qualified by God’s omnipotence

How this humbled me. We are not chosen for our great qualities. We are flawed servants who must depend totally on Him. Unlike Teresia, I have enjoyed the benefits of a strong marriage to my Anni all these years. But this great happiness is not the secret to my success. Teresia suffered the ultimate humiliation of divorce, but God lifted her to a platform of powerful ministry. We are qualified by God’s omnipotence, not by our pitiful strengths or weaknesses.

The next campaign of 1998 was a scheduled return to Nairobi, Kenya. I arrived early in August with Anni to stay for a few days of anonymous rest and relaxation near Uhuru Park. One afternoon, Anni showed me a flyer that had been posted on a bulletin board in the hotel. It announced that Teresia Wairimu would be speaking in Uhuru Park on the following Sunday. How this thrilled my heart.

“She does not know we are here,” I said. “And I will not tell her. She doesn’t expect us for another week.”

Sunday arrived. Anni and I stood at the far edge of the crowd in Uhuru Park, beyond her field of vision. 200,000 gathered that day to hear her speak. Teresia was no longer a divorcee crying pitifully at the edge of the crowd. She was on stage and she was on fire, preaching with power and authority. That day thousands came to the Lord. Healings manifested. She was doubtless thrilled with another day of obeying the Lord and seeing His power to save sinners. But I was not a sinner, and I did not raise my hand, nor come forward. She never knew I was there, smiling from ear to ear like a proud papa.

There is no room for competition in evangelism. The Lord said to pray that laborers would be sent into His harvest. Teresia was an answer to that prayer. We are laborers together. Hallelujah!

Reinhard Bonnke

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Touched By God – The Story of Rolland and Heidi Baker

Rolland and Heidi Baker are long-term missionaries in Mozambique, Africa. God has connected my ministry with theirs, specifically as it relates to impartation. Let me begin in 1997, where our stories meet. After fifteen years of serving in the slums of Indonesia, Hong Kong and London, and also serving eighteen months among the broken children of Mozambique, Rolland and Heidi were in desperate need of a fresh touch from God

 I believe that just as God set up a divine appointment for Cornelius in Acts 10, who also served God’s people, God also set up a divine appointment for Rolland and Heidi that would take place in Toronto, Canada.

Rolland had visited Toronto before Heidi, making his first trip in October 1995. He was profoundly touched by God in the revival. Returning to Mozambique, he knew he needed to take Heidi back to Toronto with him. In July 1996 she agreed to go for the Healing Conference. On the plane, Heidi cried out to God, praying, “God, if You don’t touch me, I am so tired that I’d like to just take a job at Kmart. I don’t think I can continue in ministry without You touching me afresh.” She was very sick at the time, and her doctor had advised her not to travel. A woman named Sharon Wright prayed for Heidi at the conference, and she was completely healed.

The Bakers returned to Toronto in the fall of 1996, and God again touched Heidi. Then in January 1997, Heidi made her third trip to Toronto. I was there at the revival as one of the guest speakers. I preached a message that I have preached many times since called “Pressing In.” This is the sermon I have seen God use to build faith for an impartation of fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit all over the world. Its bottom-line message is that God is looking for people who are desperate to be used by Him—people who are not content to be average, but who want to be mightily used of God.

While I was preaching this message, about three-quarters of the way through Heidi left her seat, came to the altar and began to pray for God to touch her. I remember seeing Heidi praying there. She looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. Immediately I was aware of a strong impression to speak the following prophetic word to her: “Heidi, God wants to know, do you want the nation of Mozambique?” I did not try to figure out the word; I just gave it.

Heidi answered with a strong voice, “Yes!”

Then I said, “God is going to give you the nation of Mozambique. You are going to see the dumb speak, the lame walk, the blind see and the dead be raised.”

Immediately God backed up this prophetic word with His mighty power and presence. The power of God came on Heidi with such force and intensity that she was rendered paralyzed from the neck down for a short period of time. She experienced heat, electricity, laughter and crying and thought she might die from the power. This lasted for seven days and nights. This was the most powerful experience of the Spirit that Heidi had ever had in her life. It was the most intense and longest in duration, and it produced the greatest fruit.

What came out of this impartation is a saga so remarkable that it is perhaps the most phenomenal harvest of souls in our present day. Heidi and Rolland’s stories of miracles, divine appointments, provision, heroism and heartrending experiences could be straight from the book of Acts. They prove that Jesus Christ is indeed the same yesterday, today and forever! Through the Bakers, God has birthed a miraculous church-planting movement that now encompasses over ten thousand churches in ten nations, as well as over a million salvations. 

It is important to be aware that receiving a prophetic word, as Heidi did, does not mean everything will suddenly become easy. More often, the prophetic word is what God uses to strengthen us during the difficult times that are soon to follow. I have noticed that there is often a relationship between the intensity of an experience with God and the degree of difficulty a person will face in fulfilling the call of God on his or her life. We must learn how to stand on the promises of the prophetic word. I will explore this concept more fully in chapter 7, “Radical Obedience.”

Another thing to note is that although the Bakers received their impartations over a period of time, it does not always work that way. God will sometimes move quickly. He works with each of us in just the way we need to best equip us to bring about much fruit for His Kingdom.


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Tripple testimonies after the prayer line !

“Grace and peace to you all. My name is Monika from UK. I want to share my testimonies of what God has done for my family. The first time I wrote to God's Heart TV was in July 2024. I was invited to the Interactive Prayer with Brother Chris in August

. This was shortly after I moved to Birmingham, UK. I had applied for two jobs in late July and joined the prayer, although with different intentions. On August 8, a sister from God's Heart TV called me to check how I was doing after the Interactive Prayer. That morning was my job interview and at that moment, I didn’t think there was any testimony because I thought it did not go well. But the next day, I got a job offer from the same interview. Praise God!

“My next testimony concerns my daughter. Because I and my two daughters moved to Birmingham during this summer holiday, one of them did not get any place in any high school. I was desperate and wrote a prayer request to God's Heart TV in September, asking for God’s intervention for her to get a place in school. My faith was that as soon my prayer request reached God's Heart TV, the matter would be solved – even before the Interactive Prayer in October. And we got an offer for my daughter to join the school on September 30!

“My third testimony is that after coming to the city, I needed accommodation for my children and myself urgently. We faced many very difficult and heart-breaking situations. Everything was getting delayed as the appointments were cancelled for us or we were just being promised to be called if anything came on the market. I knew I must forgive those who had hurt us and I was asking God for strength and help and I was listening to Brother Chris’ Zoom prayers from the past. I sent another prayer request in to God's Heart TV. At this point, the situation got worse where we were staying. Now I am going to be honest about my wrong attitude. Once it looked like every chance for accommodation for my family disappeared and I was going through an emotional breakdown, I got bitter towards God. Because I believed the lie of the enemy that I would not get God’s mercy. I then got an Interactive Prayer invitation in November. I knew this was a chance for me to receive God’s miracle as I did not have any hope left. The enemy was trying hard to discourage me against joining Zoom - through discouragement and lack of faith – and trying to convince me to postpone joining to a month later.

“However, I joined the prayer, asking God for breakthrough in finding a house for my family. Three days after the Interactive Prayer, I had a viewing of a property close to my daughter’s schools. To the glory of God, I have now paid a deposit and am waiting for confirmation of the move-in date! God is faithful and merciful and works in different ways we do not expect – but all is for our good. I thank Him for His good gifts and for Brother Chris and the God's Heart TV Team, as He works beautifully through them in people’s lives. I pray that I will totally surrender to God, in Jesus’ name, without giving in to doubts when things get difficult, and be humble to see all He has been doing in my life. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope my testimonies will glorify God and encourage us all to seek Him first. Be blessed in Jesus’ name. May God continue to bless Brother Chris and all the God's Heart TV Team greatly for their service to Him!”

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Testimony: "Nothing is Impossible for God"

True Stories : "I grew up in a religious family. My mother is a staunch idol worshipper. My father believes there is a God, not a believer yet. I have a younger brother who is married and doing well materially, still seeking the truth.


I was a non-believer growing up, and was worshipping religious gods & idols carved by hands as taught by parents. I had a severe skin disease by birth. It all began after 7 days of my birth, when I started getting boils all over my body as one would get after getting burnt. By the time I was in high school, the skin disease spread to almost every part of my body. It was not just the boils but my skin cracked open and wounded with pus & blood oozing out. Every morning I had to sit under the shower and wet my clothes first to take it out as they would stick with dried pus & blood overnight. I was bullied at school, and people around me avoided me. There were times I had to cover my head with a scarf, like girls, so that flies & bugs don’t sit on my wounds.


I began to hate myself. I was mostly in a depressed state of mind. A voice in my head kept on telling me you are not of worth to anybody and a burden to parents, it's better you commit suicide. I did not want to die. The isolation and loneliness were killing me inside. I started to believe nobody loved me.

My parents had tried everything. All types of doctors, medicines and religious priests, who would take money to perform rituals for my healing & nothing changed. There was no cure to be found for the problem. I felt I was a cursed child & probably committed horrible sins in my previous life according to religious beliefs.

Finally, one day as I was planning in my head how to end my life, sitting alone inside a classroom of my school, a Christian teacher walked up to me and said “I will tell you something which will heal you completely, but you have to trust”. He started with showing me verses from the Bible.

(Exodus 20: 1-5) And God spoke all these words: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me." “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below." "You shall not bow down to them or worship them;"

These verses made me think, and made sense because I was worshipping idols made by hands that don’t see, nor hear. He asked me to come to his house for prayer with his family. I finally visited his house one day after school without letting my parents know. When I visited them, they prayed for me with some oil on my head. I felt as if something touched me, an invisible hand (It was Jesus which I realised years later). He shared the gospel with me. I was touched having come to know for the first time that Jesus Christ came down for me, died on the cross for my sins and sicknesses, rose up the third day, giving me victory over sin, sickness, fear and death. After they prayed, they handed over a Gideons Bible with some verses marked for me to read. One of them was Psalms 23.

As I went home on my bike, I couldn't stop my tears. I never experienced such love ever before, neither knew that someone could love me so much. By this time I was convinced that the God of the Bible is real, and He can heal me.

When my parents came to know about it, they strictly warned me not to meet that teacher again & I did obey them. But in my heart, I already gave up believing on those idols & kept reading Bible secretly. A year later another Christian boy from my class approached me and told me the same words which my teacher told me earlier: “I will tell you something which will heal you completely”. I secretly started attending a Pentecostal church with him. When I first went to church with him the elders & ministers of the church literally cried and prayed for me. I waited and kept praising God believing that He will heal me. The healing was not instant but in the next few months (maybe 8-10 months) I was completely healed from my skin disease head to toe. As it is written how Jesus healed lepers, I was one of them, and God had mercy on me. Meeting with new fellowship in this Pentecostal church that cared about me enriched my relationship with Jesus.


Years later when I recalled how that school teacher shared Christ with me and how he prayed with oil on my head and asked me to read Psalm 23, I was reminded about Psalm 23:5 - "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over." My enemies at that time were my sickness, my hopelessness and the satanic voice which told me to commit suicide, but when they prayed for me with oil (There was literally a table placed in front of me with a cup of oil as the verse says) in the name of Jesus, those thoughts left me and peace of God came into my heart. That very first experience is still fresh on my mind.

Today, I'm living in the US, married with kids. My parents still don't believe the amazing transformation I went through over the years but have slowly started attending church whenever they stay with me. They were hopeless about me. I was hopeless about myself but Jesus changed it all.


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Pray believing to see the glory of God

"A mother left for prayer, leaving her little child behind at home. While praying, she felt something was wrong with her child. She got up and left to find her child missing from the house. Their house was close to a river...

A mother left for prayer, leaving her little child behind at home. While praying, she felt something was wrong with her child. She got up and left to find her child missing from the house. Their house was close to a river. She went towards the river to see her child running into the water. The waves pulled the child in, drowning him. The dead child's body began floating above a little distance. The villagers watching the scene dived in and retrieved the body. 

The villagers told the mother they were taking the dead child to the hospital. The mother refused, taking her child away. The villagers mocked her, saying, "you go die with your child". 

The mother took her child home and laid him on the bed. She got down on her knees and began crying to Jesus. By afternoon, her child came back to life. The villagers were shocked and left speechless. God glorified Himself."

What a mighty God we serve! There is nothing impossible for Him. 

God honoured the mother's call. She was a praying mother. She loved Jesus in a village where people mocked her for following Christ. 

When you believe, you will see the glory of God. How is your belief today? Do you love being in the presence of God? Is the presence of God your source of strength and comfort? How do you stand in the face of opposition? God hasn't changed, and HE never will. He is the unchanging God, the same yesterday, today and forever.

A lover of God loves the presence of God. Pour your heart in prayer and intercession for those He has given in your life.

Dear believer, love the presence of God. Believe in the ONE who hears your prayer and answers it according to His will. Love Jesus. We are in the last days. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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Joe’s Story: Three Miracles Restored My Faith

Joe Minarik, who is 62 years old, grew up in New Jersey. When he was 18, he and his friends met an angel who saved their lives. But after Joe’s beloved grandfather died, Joe lost faith in God. Through a miraculous event that can be explained only as divine intervention, Joe’s faith in God was restored. Not long after that, God saved Joe’s life again. It took three miracles to restore Joe’s faith in God forever.

The First Miracle: An Angel Appears

In 1975, I was 18 years old. One Friday, I went with my friends, Brian and Lou, to New Gretna in South Jersey to visit a friend. The next day, we were going to go target shooting in an area known as the Pine Barrens. It was in November, and we ran into a snowstorm. At about 11 p.m., we were on the last road to get to the home of another friend, Andy, when we ran out of gas. We were stuck on an isolated road for three hours in the biting cold snowstorm. Finally, we saw a truck approaching us. It stopped, and the driver asked if we needed help. I told him we had run out of gas.


“I happen to have five gallons in my truck,” he said. He went around to the back of his truck, got a gas can and filled up our tank with a few gallons of gasoline.

I tried to give him money, but he wouldn’t take it. He said, “Please, if you see that someone needs help, stop and help them.”

I said, “Sure. I would like to fill this gas can up and return it to you. Do you live around here?”

He said, “Yes, a mile down this road.” He told me the street name and number and said to make a right, and it was the third house on the left. He said his name was Frank Gilmore.

The next morning, we put gas in a gas can and drove to take it to him. We knew where we had run out of gas, but we couldn’t find the street. In fact, there wasn’t any street off that road for miles. So we drove to the police station, and they told us no such street existed in New Gretna or in Forked River, the next town over. We looked at each other and said, “He had to be an angel.”

When I got home, I said to my friends, “I will send money to Frank Gilmore in two envelopes—one addressed to New Gretna and one to Forked River.” I did so, and a week later, both came back to me, stamped “Undeliverable.” That has stayed with me all my life. I always think about it. That experience made me a more caring and giving person.

Losing Faith in God

My paternal grandfather was Czechoslovakian. We called him Gigi, which means Grandpa, but later on we called him Gid. I was the firstborn, so I was one of his favorites.

At the beginning of 1987, I moved to California. Gid visited me when he was 89 years old. We had a great three weeks together. In 1989, he had a tumor removed. He called me a day before the operation and said in his broken English with his Eastern European accent, “I am never going to see you again. I go for big operation. I think I be finished!”

That shook me up. So I sold my house and moved back to Cape Cod. The operation was successful. I had a year to be with Gid before he started to go downhill. He passed away toward the end of 1990 at the age of 93. After his death, I was mourning him so much that I blamed God for taking him away from me. I lost all confidence in God, even though Gid had lived for 93 years. I was selfish at the time.

A Second Miracle

One night four months later, I awoke at 3 a.m., and something told me to go in the living room and get a book from the bookshelf. I tried to turn on a light in the bedroom, but it would not turn on. I walked into the hallway and tried to turn that light on, but it wouldn’t turn on, either. The same thing happened in the living room. I made my way to the bookshelf in the dark and pulled out a book; I didn’t know which book I had chosen. I found my way to the dining room table. I opened the book I had gotten from the shelf and lay it on the table. In the dark, I made my way to the light switch in the dining room, and the light came on.

I went back to the table and saw that the book I had taken off the shelf was the Bible. The Scripture I had opened the Bible to in the pitch dark was John, chapter 4. It’s about the miracle Jesus performed when He turned the water into wine at Cana in Galilee. A man whose son was sick heard that Jesus was in the area and begged Him to heal his son, who was close to death:

‘Unless you people see signs and wonders,’ Jesus told him, ‘you will never believe.’ The royal official said,
‘Sir, come down before my child dies.’ Jesus replied,You may go. Your son will live.’ The man took Jesus
at his word and departed. While he was still on the way,his servants met him with the news that his boy
was living. When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, ‘Yesterday, at one in the
afternoon, the fever left him.’ Then the father realized hat this was the exact time at which Jesus had
said to him, ‘Your son will live.’ So he and all his household believed.— John 4:48–53

That story hit me hard. Here was a government official who didn’t believe in God but needed Him desperately for his son’s healing. God poured his grace onto the boy, and he lived. In the end, the official’s family believed. That is the moment when I started to have faith in God again.

A Third Miracle

One day in 2009, I was at work. I felt a numbing sensation in my left arm and leg. I told my boss I was going home. I walked out to my vehicle, and my grandfather, who had passed away 19 years earlier, said to me, in his broken English, “Don’t go to home; go to hospital.” His voice was not in my head; he was talking to me as if he were in the room with me.


I drove to the hospital. The doctors examined me and said I had experienced an aortic aneurysm. If my grandfather hadn’t warned me, eventually I would have been dead. The aneurysm measured 4.8 cm; they didn’t want to operate until it grew to become 5.2 cm. Six years later, I had the operation.

Two months later, I was out of breath. I would walk 25 feet and struggle to breathe. My boss finally said I should get checked out. I got a blood test, and the doctor called as I was driving home. “You are in end-stage renal failure,” he said.

I had to go on dialysis, and the doctors scheduled my kidney transplant for July 2016. While waiting for the surgery, I came down with a blood infection. They told me that if I had waited 12 hours longer to see a doctor, I would have been dead. I was in the hospital for two weeks but emerged fine after taking antibiotics. After I got another infection and took antibiotics again, they checked my blood count. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, it was in the normal range!

My kidneys were working again. The doctors removed the catheter from my chest, discontinued my dialysis and told me I didn’t need a kidney transplant. Was it a miracle from God? You’d better believe it. There is no other way to explain it. If you have faith in God and believe in the power of prayer, anything can happen.

Paying God’s Grace Forward

I remember the words of the angel God sent to help my friends and me back in 1975, and now I heed them. He said, “Please, if you see that someone needs help, stop and help them.” So I do. Small acts of kindness are rewarding and easy to deliver.

Sometimes at the grocery store, someone will be short of money. They will start to tell the cashier that they will put back some of the items in their cart. I will say, “Oh, no you don’t…I will pay for them.” Also, I often drop off canned goods and clothing at church thrift stores.

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep,
six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he also had seven sons
and three daughters…After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation.— Job 42:12–13, 16

My Take on Joe’s Story

Often, we humans are stubborn. We resist answering God’s call for whatever reason. But God is patient and continues to pour His grace into our lives, even when we resist. God gave Joe another year with his grandfather, and He saved Joe’s life twice. He even pointed Joe to a hard-hitting passage of Scripture at the moment when he needed it the most.

Sometimes people view God as an angry, dictatorial tyrant who will punish them if they sin. Joe’s story is a beautiful example of God’s patience and compassion. He continues to “knock” on our hearts until we let Him in. And when we do, as Joe can attest, our lives are filled with joy, well-being and gratitude.

Time for Personal Reflection

  1. Have there been times in your life when your faith in God dwindled or even lapsed? What happened as a result? Did God “punish” you in some way, or did He perform a miracle in your life, like he did in Joe’s life, to show you that He was still with you?
  2. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” It’s not easy to believe in things we cannot see; that’s where the well-known term “leap of faith” comes from. Has there been a time in your life when you prayed and hoped for something and believed the Lord would provide it? Did He provide it? If not, continue to trust in His wisdom, His love and His perfect timing


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Paul was certainly a miracle baby. His mother had a blood infection when he was born and although this did not cause her any harm, it had such a devastating affect on baby Paul that he died twice on the day of his birth. The following day he was given a full blood transfusion and so he amazingly survived infant hood.


Yet just two years later. Paul was in trouble again. He was taken into hospital for a tonsillectomy, but there were complications and his heart stopped three times during the operation. The third time he was unresponsive for two and a half minutes. Another thirty seconds would have meant serious brain damage. It seems that this little boy was destined to live in spite of all that was being thrown at him.

As he grew, Paul was sent to Catholic school in Whanganui and Napier in his home country of New Zealand. Life was hard in the Catholic boy’s schools where discipline was often harsh and compassion was not in big supply! After beating a popular bully at tennis, Paul was beaten with tennis rackets as a ‘reward’. Another day he was beaten around the head with a baseball bat, and on a different occasion with a cricket bat. The school told his parents that both of these incidents were ‘unfortunate accidents’, but this was untrue. On both occasions Paul was deliberately beaten by bullies ant the truth was covered up. As a result, he suffered serious head trauma. The once average student now struggled with academic work.

Not surprisingly, Paul experienced a crisis of faith. He began to question the ‘Christianity’ at this particular Catholic school along with the morality and lack of compassion in the only exponents he knew, the teachers and ‘brothers’ whom he looked up to. The suggestion was strongly inferred that the ‘faith’ presented by this school was the only ‘true’ church, and yet he found the behaviour so hard to reconcile with the compassion of Jesus and the teaching of the New Testament. He also questioned why the priest should be called ‘father’ and why confession should be made to a priest and not directly to God, but he was not given clear answers.

Heavy Drinking and Supernatural Encounters.

At the age of just 14, Paul started drinking. Within a few years he had become a heavy drinker and was in at least a partially drunken state much of the time. He spent two years working with his father in the wool industry, followed by five years working in ‘foodstuffs’. Then in 1988 Paul moved to Kambalda, Australia to work in the mining industry. The drinking got worse. But in 1989, an extraordinary experience marked the beginning of a change of direction.

One evening, Paul got very drunk at a Fire Brigade party. He fell asleep at the wheel of his car, narrowly missing a pedestrian and a tree. Waking up in the evening of the next day, Paul felt terrible both physically and psychologically. He stood by his bed and cried out to God, saying,

“Lord, I can’t live like this anymore. Please send someone to talk to me!”

Instantly there was a bright flash of light outside the window, clearly visible even through the blue blind. It seemed strange, even eerie, but Paul did not immediately recognise the origin.

The very next morning whilst in the works canteen, Paul’s Australian friend Adam said,

“Hey Paul, there’s a guy over there who wants to talk to you.”

Paul went over to the ordinary looking man. The man looked straight at him and asked,

“Did you call for me last night?”

Paul was bemused. He replied, “Pardon?” Again the man asked,

“Did you call for me last night?”

Paul didn’t know how to answer. It was then that he looked at the man’s eyes. Everything else about him was normal, ordinary, but his eyes were a bright blue and it looked as if there were literal fires in them! Shocked, but surprisingly not afraid, Paul didn’t answer. So the man asked a third time,

“Did you call for me last night?”

This time Paul knew that something extra ordinary was happening. He sat down and talked with the man who said that God had sent him to tell Paul about the Christian faith. He asked Paul if he had seen the bright light outside his window and told him that the light was a bright red, signifying the blood of Jesus Christ. Paul had not noticed the colour due to the thick blue blind, but he certainly knew the light was very bright and came in an instant after his prayer.

The man talked to Paul about Christianity on a number of occasions over several weeks. He seemed to be employed at the mine as Paul kept bumping into him at unexpected times, but other than that nobody knew a great deal about the ‘man’. Eventually, Paul asked him his name. The man replied giving a long difficult Greek sounding name that was difficult to pronounce. He finally said to Paul,

“You can call me Philip.”

Philip could not drive a car and so he persuaded a young couple to take Paul and himself to a lively church meeting at Kalgoorlie. At the end of the meeting the pastor announced that ‘somebody here needs to know Jesus.’ He prayed a general kind of prayer and then everyone except Paul fell to the floor! This was something Paul had never seen before, but Philip laughed and said,

“It’s not like the Catholic Church is it!”

Paul could see that this was different. He did not interpret Philip’s comment as a criticism of all things Roman Catholic, but as a clear point being made that the form of Catholicism he had been brought up with was lacking in true spirituality. The ‘faith’ he had seen as a child was more like a club, a belief system with rules. regulations and many words, but nothing that tangibly attracted him. This meeting was different. If felt somehow so very real.

The Angel and the Prodigal

The following week Philip took Paul to a Baptist church. Again there was something very real and alive about the faith of these people. Three days later, Philip came to Paul outside in the mining compound and asked him a straight question,

“Paul, the Lord wants to know if you are going to give your life to him now or not?”

Paul replied a curt ‘No.’ Philip looked sad and said,

“The way you are going is hell.”

Paul didn’t know what to say. He turned and started to walk away, but deep inside he began to feel convicted and so he turned around to say sorry. But Philip had vanished.

It was at that moment that Paul realised Philip was no man. From the fiery blue eyes he had noticed at their first meeting, Paul began to think about all the encounters he had had with Philip. There was the fact that Philip didn’t seem to know how to drive, the fact that it was not clear what job he had at the mine, or whether he was even employed there; the fact that he didn’t ever talk about his life, family or past. Then there was the unequivocal fact that Philip had vanished when they were in an open space with nowhere to hide.

It had obviously been a supernatural encounter, but Paul was stubborn and still didn’t become a Christian. He rebelled and went back to drinking heavily.

In 1990, Paul left the mine and embarked on a bus tour of Australia. He had some scary moments, including an encounter in Melbourne with the Irish Community who were raising funds to buy weapons for the IRA. With an Irish family background, Paul was happy to be involved in the partying, but when it turned sinister he realised that he was in danger. Again, something beyond the natural happened when a man whom he had only just met told him to get out of the city and get the train back to Sydney. The money he gave Paul was the exact money needed for the train back to Sydney together with accommodation. The man could not have known the amount needed. It was just too perfect to be coincidental.

Paul knew that God was looking after him, but that wasn’t enough to get him out of his drinking habit and destructive lifestyle.

Attempted suicide and a Miracle on the Road

Eventually, Paul returned to New Zealand and to a job with a large communications company in Napier. Things were going ok until the company made him redundant. Paul was distraught. He had had enough. He got in his car and decided to commit suicide by driving off the 98 metre (321 feet) cliff at a place called Nuhaka on the way to Wairoa. Taking his hands off the steering wheel, Paul closed his eyes and waited to plunge into oblivion. But it didn’t happen. Realising he should have been off the road and heading for the cliff by now, Paul opened his eyes to find that the car was back on the road! Immediately, he heard God speaking to him,

“Get out of the car and think about what you are doing.”

Paul took note and chose not to try again.

Two weeks later, he had a strange dream. He dreamed that he was staying at Bill Cosby’s ranch in America. In the dream, God spoke to him and said,

“Now is the time to give your life to me.”

God also told him that he would soon see many people he hadn’t seen for a long time. He woke up to find the the room was unnaturally hot and realised that this was no ordinary dream. God really had spoken to him. Very soon afterwards, Paul started seeing people whom he had not seen for many years. Meetings happened in various places and he realised that the words God spoke in the dream were coming true.

It was now 1999, and Paul decided to go to the ordination of a friend from the past who was becoming a priest. He was shocked when he went to speak to the man afterwards only to be greeted with the words, “What the f * are you doing here!”. Paul was shocked both by the attitude and the words of the response. Again, it seemed that somebody was showing him that Christian ‘religion’ and true faith in Jesus Christ are not always the same. Even priests can get it wrong.

Soon after this shocking encounter, Paul’s friend Peter invited him to go to an Assemblies of God church. Paul was shocked again, but this time it was more pleasant. Walking through the door, he looked around and realised that he knew approximately two thirds (66%) of the people there! Moreover, they were people he had recently seen whom he had previously not seen for many years. It was another aspect of the dream being fulfilled. One friend came to him and said that she had been praying for him for the past nine months. They joked about giving birth, but Paul saw the irony and understood the Biblical imagery of being ‘born again’. He attended the church for a few weeks and on one occasion found his arms shaking violently. Paul noticed that most people had their arms raised in praise to God, but he still wouldn’t give in. One of his newfound Christian friends just laughed, realising that Paul was nearly there!

Finally, two months later, Paul’s stubborn heart gave way to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and he gave his life to Christ. He realised afterwards that it was exactly ten years (to the very day) after he first prayed to God for help and saw the bright light outside his window.

In recent years Paul has been on mission trips to the South Pacific Islands and has been instrumental in many healing miracles. He has also shared his extraordinary testimony in numerous Christian outreach meetings in New Zealand. Paul now knows that God had an amazing plan for his life and has used him to bring healing and help to others in ways he once never dreamed possible.

God tells us in the Bible that those who seek him will find him. Paul’s story, strange but true, is proof that God always keeps his promises and always reaches out to those who seek him.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Story by Ralph Burden

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In the late 1980’s, Zach, a young Kurdish Sunni Muslim man, was detained by the Iranian police for no clear reason.

“They seemed to think I had some connections with Kurdish political parties that were opposing the Islamic Republic”,

he says, but he had no such connection.  Months went by during which the police didn’t even let Zach’s family know where he was. Finally, the day came when he was brought into court. The Judge asked three questions that were asked of many people.

What is your name?” He answered his full name.

“What is your ethnicity?” He answered that he was a Kurd.

What is your religion?” Zach told them, “Sunni Muslim.”

He was taken out of the court, thrown back into a cell, and was beaten all night. The next morning, they put him on a bus headed back to his home city in Kurdistan.

A Powerful Book

On the bus, Zach found himself sitting next to a kind, friendly man. The man opened his bag and took out a sandwich which was wrapped in newspaper. Having not been fed properly for almost six months, Zach was very hungry. The man turned towards Zach and offered him one. Without hesitating he accepted – but  instead of one, the man gave him two out of the three that he had with him. Zach asked his name and the man said his name was Jacob. Zach says,

I had never heard that name before. So I asked, ‘What kind of name is this?’ He said ‘Hebrew’. ‘Ah, so you are a Jew?’ I asked back. ‘No, I am a Christian’, he said. I had heard a lot of negative things about Christians so I did not want to get into a conversation about Christianity. But something inside me made me wonder why he believed in it.

Zach was intrigued. He asked if Jacob believed that Jesus was the son of God, and he said that he did. The man explained some things about the Bible and what it says about Jesus. After some conversation, Jacob opened his bag and very quietly gave Zach a book. Zach had an inkling that it was something to do with Jacob’s faith. Assuming that it was, then they both knew that if someone saw him pass that book it could cost Jacob life. He was clearly a brave man. Zach asked what it was and Jacob said that he would find out later.

The Vanishing Man

At Mahabad, Zach got off the Bus before Jacob.

“I got my bag and was waiting outside for Jacob to come off, but the bus was emptied and he still had not come out. I went to the driver and asked him where the man sitting next to me had gone? To my astonishment and confusion he said, ‘There was no man sitting next to you.’

Zach knew that he wasn’t mad, and he still had the taste of the sandwich in his mouth!

“I still had the book in my bag. Who was Jacob? What was he?

Then he remembered that Jacob had said he was on his way to Mahabad to meet a friend called Zach. Now Zach realised that Jacob meant him! Something beyond explanation was happening.

He went home and found his mother in the house crying. She was so surprised and happy to see him after so many months. Zach found out that soldiers were looking for him and that his mother had been raped by a Jaush (Kurdish for “traitor”). Shocked and appalled, he went to his room and wept.

That night when I asked for my older brother Hasan at dinner, they all started crying. They told me that my brother was hanged… I could not eat. I got up and went to my room for some more weeping… I had nothing to do, so I took out the book and started reading. After reading the first chapters of the book of Genesis, I started reading the book of Matthew. I was surprised. I had never seen anything like this. I stopped at chapter ten and just went to bed.

A Supernatural Dream and the words of an Angel

Zach could still hear his Mother and sister crying downstairs. The neighbours came to cheer them up and talk to them. Next morning life seemed more normal, so Zach went and visited his brother’s grave. Life became relatively normal again until one night in a dream Jacob appeared and told him that he must leave Kurdistan.

I knew something was up so I went and hid at a friend’s house. I did not want to leave the country; I loved it.

It turned out that soldiers had been at Zach’s house looking for him. This time, it was his sister who was raped by the soldiers. His brother who was killed had some ties to the Kurdish political parties, but Zach had done nothing wrong. He felt empty and wanted to commit suicide, but realised that would cause unbearable pain to his family. Zach could only conclude that he and his family had been targeted because of his brother’s involvement with Kurdish political parties. The hard-line Shia ‘Islamic Republic’ was ruthless with anyone who opposed them, including other Muslims, torturing and murdering with no compassion or remorse. Zach was completely innocent of any political involvement and despite the brutal regime, he had been a good Muslim and had not opposed the regime. Neither had the rest of his family. It seemed that nobody was safe.

Flee or Die!

There was no alternative but to flee the country. After packing some essentials, Zach took the Bible and headed for the mountains crossing the border into Iraq. He stopped in the middle of nowhere for a rest, took out his book and began to read the New Testament. He says,

“When I came to Matthew 11:28, ‘Come to me all who are heavy laden and weary and I will give you rest,’ I was shocked and did not know what to think because the book kind of read my mind. It had what my heart longed for. I found what I was looking for. I found what met my personal needs. Right there in the middle of the night I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I couldn’t believe the changes that were happening inside of me. I felt a kind of peace that could not be expressed by words. I was relieved. I could feel all of the weight that I felt on my shoulders coming off. I now understood God and what he was like. It was a good thing that I did not commit suicide. The Lord had a plan for me. I now knew who Jacob was – an angel. It was very hard to believe, but an angel would be the best answer.

The Power of Forgiveness

Zach’s life changed dramatically after he became a Christian.

“I now forgave all of those that did wrong to me and my family. Instead of cursing, I prayed for the salvation of the people who had beaten me in prison. I am grateful for having such a wonderful experience.”

Zach was reading from the book of Matthew in the New Testament that Zach had given to him when he realised that God had literally saved his life and had a plan for him.  Jacob appeared to be a man but Zach realised that he must have been an angel by the way he vanished. He left home with very little, but he had been given back his life, his freedom and a purpose for the future.

In Matthew chapter six, starting at verse nine, Jesus said, “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”



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